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The Power of Solitude: 6 Hidden Benefits of ‘Me Time’ Most M’sians Don’t Know About


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Source: jcomp & freepik

In Malaysian society, a prevailing social stigma often discourages people from embracing solitude, mistakenly associating it with loneliness. However, many may not realize that loneliness and solitude are distinct experiences!

While loneliness is a feeling of unwanted isolation, solitude involves spending time alone without feeling lonely. Contrary to popular beliefs, solitude brings about a wide range of benefits that span from cultivating productive workplaces to boosting mental health! 


1. Improve concentration and memory

Have you ever caught yourself sneakily contributing less to group tasks than individual assignments? This phenomenon is known as social loafing, and it can significantly reduce the productivity and performance of group projects! 

Research shows that social loafing can be prevented by incorporating moments of solitude at work, which helps improve concentration and memory. When you work alone, you’re more likely to give your best effort, rather than relying on others for ideas and solutions!  

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2. Boost creativity and problem-solving

Other than social loafing, there’s another compelling reason to embrace solitude in the workplace! Research suggests that individuals who work in isolation tend to have more creativity and problem-solving skills than team workers.  

This phenomenon is rooted in the fact that our interactions with others are often bound by social norms and values. Consequently, working in solitude takes the social pressure off our shoulders, allowing more space for innovation and imagination!  

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3. Help cultivate empathy

Solitude opens the door to activities that foster profound self-reflection, including practices like journaling and meditation. When we spend time alone, we’re more likely to contemplate our thoughts, emotions, and experiences with minimal distractions.

This introspective journey deepens our understanding of our feelings and hones our ability to attune to other’s experiences. It also equips us with better emotional management and processing skills, enriching our emotional intelligence and empathy

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4. Enhance social relationships

Taking time away from our loved ones can significantly enhance our relationships with them, as the saying goes ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’! In fact, research shows that individuals who value me-time enjoy more fulfilling social lives and higher life satisfaction

Moments of solitude allow us to recognize the unique qualities of our loved ones, nurturing a profound sense of gratitude. When we reunite with our social circles, we’re more inclined to express this appreciation through positive actions and heartfelt words, ultimately fortifying important relationships.

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5. Improve sleep quality 

Certain individuals, particularly introverts, may find it difficult to fall asleep after social interactions. This happens when their brains are overstimulated by social interactions, leading them to feel irritable, indecisive, or on edge. 

If you find yourself among this group, consider weaving some quality me-time into your bedtime routine! Solitude enables you to process your thoughts and emotions, helping you to transition smoothly from wakefulness to sleep. This way, you’re likely to fall asleep faster and wake up feeling rejuvenated. 

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6. Boost mental health

Though spending time with family and friends can undoubtedly bring happiness, there’s a unique tranquillity in finding solace in solitude! When we’re surrounded by loved ones, we often prioritize their needs and the collective experience over our own.

The activities chosen by our companions may not always align with our personal relaxation preferences. In contrast, embracing solitude grants us the freedom to rest in a manner that suits our individual needs, ensuring effective decompression and stress reduction on our own terms! 

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As you can see, the benefits of embracing solitude are manifold and profound. By consciously incorporating moments of solitude into our lives, we can strike a balance between social bonds and self-discovery! 

How do you like to spend time alone? Let us know in the comments below!


Also read: Self-care 101: 6 Daily Habits For M’sians To Maintain Overall Wellness At Home That Actually Work!

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Source: tirachardz
Source: tirachradz
Source: freepik
Source: freepik
Source: jcomp

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