The internet is at it again as images of fitness trainers in Thailand selling durians made its rounds on social media.
As gyms across Thailand were ordered to shut down as part of the government’s initiative to combat the coronavirus outbreak, one durian business owner had the bright idea of hiring out-of-work gym trainers as part of his staff – to sell and deliver durians shirtless!
Coupling massive durians and a gun show, business has indeed been good for the owner Bsamfruitทุเรียนเดลิเวอรี่.
Just to show you how big the durians (and guns) are, here are some pictures of fruits and talent on offer.

Surely not fearing the thorns and possible scratches to their bodies, the workers were indeed toughing it out to ensure that business is booming during the lockdown.
Locals commenting on the picture seemed very interested in identifying the location of the stall – probably cannot ‘tahan’ seeing the durians on display.

Here are the comments of those clearly interested in purchasing their own durians during the lockdown.

This one netizen seems to really have a hankering for durian.

This netizen must be talking about a new breed special to Thailand, Black Shorts durian, much like how Malaysians are crazy for our Musang King. ?
For whatever reason, you have to give it up to the owner for knowing how to tap the interest of Thais by selling quality durians coupled with flawless marketing.
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