We all know that education can really bring someone out of poverty and that is why many of us take loans to continue our studies.
One of the best places to get education loans is always PTPTN, however, many do not pay their loans after they finish their studies.
In a recent Facebook post, PTPTN asks for the netizens’ help to find loan defaulters. In their post was a picture of a graduate in a graduation robe and mortar board with a missing notice.
“MISSING. PTPTN loan recipient. Missing ever since studies were completed. If found, please tag and persuade to repay their PTPTN loan.”

The caption of the post reads: “Do you have friends who disappeared like this? Try tagging them below. We’re not looking to arrest them, we just want to guide them on how to start paying their loans.”
Many netizens started tagging their friends in the comments while there are even some who came clean themselves.
“I want to tag but there’s just so many.”

Other netizens were very thankful for the PTPTN loan that allowed them to continue their studies.
“Thank you PTPTN… from diploma till degree you gave us loans. Alhamdullilah my loan has been settled and now I’m doing SSPN Plus for my children.”

Have you paid your PTPTN loan yet? If you haven’t you can always drop by their office to know about their repayment discounts especially when paying in a lump sum.
Also read: PTPTN is Offering Incentives For Loan Repayments Until March 2024, Here’s How It Works!