While Malaysians have been poking fun at Singaporeans for panic shopping after their DORSCON level was upgraded to orange due to the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak, it seems that paranoia is not something that is exclusive to the island nation. It has been revealed by Oriental Daily that the very same phenomenon has started to happen in Penang, proving that pots are calling kettles black.
This onset of panic shopping was said to have happened after a suspected case of Covid-19 novel coronavirus was reported in the state, which led to many locals in the states to rush to their local supermarkets to stock up on, you guessed it, tissue rolls.
Reporters from the Chinese daily who went on the scene to a number of Penang supermarkets noticed that the primary items that were being hoarded by locals were tissue rolls, tins of biscuits, and instant noodles.

Yeah, they were absolutely not kidding when they said that tissue rolls were the first thing to fly off supermarket shelves!

But the biggest question here is, why would there be a need to stockpile on tissue paper out of all things? In any case, the company whose employee is suspected to be infected with the Covid-19 coronavirus has since been quarantined, and the rest of the company’s employees have been told to work from home.
While this may all be fun and games, remember that panic buying and hoarding is not the solution to keeping yourself safe from infection!
Also read: 17yo Girl Violently Stabs 71yo Elderly Man & 9yo Girl Over Last Bottle of Sanitiser In Supermarket