During the pandemic, working out is one of the things that everyone has tried at least once. Usually, people will work out by following YouTube videos of fitness gurus such as Emi Wong or Blogilates. However, some people prefer to get their daily dose of exercise by running/jogging.
Recently, a reader who lives in a condominium in Petaling Jaya has sent WORLD OF BUZZ a video of PDRM officers entering said condominium. They were there to give a Public Service Announcement and ensure no one is jogging inside the premise.
The reader who was coincidentally near the guardhouse heard the officers asking the security personnel if there were people jogging.
“Ada orang jogging?” the police officer asked.
“No,” to which the security guard responded.
The PDRM officers then proceeded to use a megaphone to detail some of the SOPs during the EMCO such as remaining in your premises and not going out of your premises for anything unnecessary after 8pm as Petaling Jaya is under EMCO. Other than that, the SOPs detail that all sports and recreation activities are not allowed.

PDRM making patrols actively in various condominiums in EMCO areas
This PJ condo is not the only one, many have reported that the police is also making patrols in condos located in KL. This is to remind everyone not to unnecessarily go out of their homes in efforts to curb the infection.
Since the daily cases have increased to 8000-9000+, it’s understandable that the PDRM is doing what they can to curb the spread of the virus by issuing these reminders.
So, if you’re still going out to jog, please stop doing it as you’re putting yourself at risk by going against the SOPs. Remind your family and friends not to do so as well.
There are many other resources you can access to get a satisfying full-body exercise such as going on YouTube for fitness videos or by installing applications. Please stay home until the restrictions are lifted again.
Also read: “No more sports!” Here’s A Full List Of SOPs For Areas Under EMCO Starting 3 July