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Netizens Are Calling For UM to Retract Graduate’s Degree For Asking Vice-Chancellor to Resign


UM Graduate Protested With A Placard During Convo Asking For The Vice-Chancellor To Step Down - WORLD OF BUZZ 7
Source: Facebook

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Ahhhh, convo. The day that you get your scroll and officially become a fresh graduate. What could go wrong?

Well, there may be other graduates who want to make their point known and decide that this is their platform to do so. For example, this person.

UM Graduate Protested With A Placard During Convo Asking For The Vice-Chancellor To Step Down - WORLD OF BUZZ 5

Source: Facebook

The University of Malaya’s 59th Convocation started on the 12th of October and yesterday, 14th October, something big happened. Watch it here:

「為何我要在畢業典禮舉牌抗議?」前幾天,我決定在今天的畢業典禮時舉起牌子,對校長在近期内所發表種族主義的言論表示抗議。有人問,一生中或許只有一次在大學參與畢業典禮,倘若只是爲了表達反對,卻讓自己丟盡顔面,值得嗎?這並不是表面上存粹的示威抗議。我更想要傳達的信息,是讓在座的講師及學生知道,倘若我們遇上一位不稱職的校長,那麽我們就有正當的理由批判他,並要求他對他的言行舉止,向我們做出交代,同時扛上一定的責任。我與許多馬大講師針對《馬來人尊嚴大會》一事進行交流。其實,他們對校長在大會的言論感到錯愕及羞恥,異口同聲地反對他濫用馬大的名字來為政黨背書,更質疑大會所提出的訴求毫無學術根據。但,讓我更心酸的是,講師只能在背後默默作出批評,卻不能公開譴責校長的錯誤,有的還問學運組織是否會采取任何行動來回應相關課題。我們能怪講師嗎?追根究底,這不全然是他們的問題,反而反映這幾十年來大學的制度缺陷。正因爲校園實行的是集權式管制,教育部長負責政治委任校長,而校長則掌握遴選副校長及院長的權力。學術人員自然會擔憂自己因爲反對校長而收到行政或其他方面的刁難及打壓,被開除或被迫自己請辭。教育部長馬智禮口口聲聲說自己已經歸還大學的自主權,卻利用四所國立大學聯合舉辦種族主義大會來回應巫伊聯盟的保守議程。這恰好證明,在利益和原則之間的抉擇,政客只會違背誠信,肆無忌憚地展露人格的墮落。因此,作爲大學的一員,我們更應該推動民主化校園議程。記得,權力應源自於我們。唯有通過正常的民主遴選程序,才能確保校長擁有民意基礎,並與各員存在著問責的關係,約束其權力以防止類似濫用權力的事件再度發生。典當大學名譽的從來就不是示威的學生,而是騎劫學術之名、背棄大學價值的校長。各個社會階層都視大學爲探索真理的殿堂,大學的表態必然會對社會產生一定的影響力。校長不但沒有謹慎發言,反而選擇愚弄人民,讓多數人相信大會提出種族隔離政策的可行性,深化種族之間的刻板印象,加劇族群之間的矛盾。作爲一名精英,校長應該知道,政治哲學裏的“社會契約論“,已經遭到馬來西亞政客的嚴重扭曲。社會契約建立在個人與政府之間的權利及義務,而不是像商業契約一樣,變成族群和族群之間的利益交換及買賣。比如説,馬來人同意非馬來人成爲公民,所以後者必然得承認前者的特權。社會契約反映的是一股精神,必須建立在正當民意基礎和道德上,通過【反思性認可】(reflective endorsement)的論證過程,理性反思如何建立一個公平及公正的社會合作關係,從而修正及加强現有的制度,朝向一個符合正義的理想社會發展。從這兒,我們就清楚知道,我們不應該剝奪他人的權利來肯定自己的主權,因爲這是違反正義及道德。作爲一名工程師,校長應該明白實事求重要性。他應該充分瞭解政客故意製造華人作爲馬來人在經濟上的假象敵。但事實上,占有最大塊的經濟蛋糕往往是企業大亨,而不是我們普通的小市民。當然,處於貧窮綫的家庭也不分族群。作爲一位馬來西亞人民,校長更應該明白,多元是我國的强項之一,尊重彼此文化、捍衛自由及平等原則是社會和諧的主要基礎。所以,校長更不應鼓吹人民或族群之間出現不對等的政治權利或關係。我理解,馬來西亞族群問題不能一夜之間解決。即便領著“新馬來西亞“旗號的希盟政府也脫離不了這根深蒂固的政治框架。這時候,大學不是扮演更重要的角色嗎?大學應該强調尊重多元文化,提倡種族和諧及國民團結,積極捍衛人人都應享有的普世價值。既然大學是探索真理的殿堂,那我們不是應該帶領人民走出無知,教育人民理性思考,並成爲一個擁有批判能力的獨立自主的公民嗎?既然大學使用的撥款源自於納稅人的血汗錢,我們不是更應該回饋社會,積極推動社會改革並捍衛社會正義嗎?校長明顯無法達到任何一個標準,如果他還是個擁有良知的知識分子,那麽他就應該拿起責任,公開道歉並引咎辭職!我相信除了我,還有沉默的大多數是不認同校長或是其他政治人物的所作所爲。我也知道,要推動改變並不容易,需要極大的勇氣及説服能力,還要承擔許多風險及不確定性,因爲我們面對的是一群保守的種族主義者。他們只懂得標簽及煽動,從來就不談什麽理性還是有理有據的討論。但是,羅爾斯曾經説過,追求正義就像投入愛情一樣,沿途中可能會受傷,但我們不會因爲受傷的風險而放棄去愛。因爲正義和愛是我們生命中重要的價值,而實現這些價值生活才會美好。我相信,只要每人願意付出一點,世界就會更好一點。我們付出的努力或許微乎其微,甚至在短期内也不會看到任何效果。但是,社會改革靠的不就是我們日夜纍計的努力嗎?就像改朝換代一樣,我們也是用了20年的時間,才成功推翻貪汙腐敗的政權。我相信,只要人民自强不息,便不需要依賴政黨實力。我相信,真理會越辯越明,只要多跨出去讓更多人理解並體會一個公義社會應該擁有制度和生活方式,那麽我們便可以打破現有的種族框架,實現一個自由平等的理想社會。

Posted by Wong Yan Ke on Sunday, October 13, 2019

An engineering degree graduate, who was the leader of a youth party at the University of Malaya, went on stage to take his scroll. After that, he moved a little and took out a placard that he had hidden underneath his robe out and shouted,

“Undur VC (Vice-Chancellor). Ini Tanah Malaysia.”

UM Graduate Protested With A Placard During Convo Asking For The Vice-Chancellor To Step Down - WORLD OF BUZZ 6

Source: Facebook

This protest was a result of a remark the Vice-Chancellor Dr. Abdul Rahim Hashim allegedly made that triggered the youth group.

In a Facebook post, the graduate has shared his reasoning for doing what he did, he said:

“I hope that this protest will not be taken lightly. I hope that the message that “Every student or lecturer who ever felt dissatisfaction towards an incompetent leader has the right to voice out” goes through.”

Netizens’ comments

The video and post quickly went viral, and netizens were quick to comment.

UM Graduate Protested With A Placard During Convo Asking For The Vice-Chancellor To Step Down - WORLD OF BUZZ

Source: Twitter

One netizen said that he understands that the graduate is very dissatisfied, but he definitely picked the wrong place and time to protest as it’s an official event with lots of VIPs and parents.

UM Graduate Protested With A Placard During Convo Asking For The Vice-Chancellor To Step Down - WORLD OF BUZZ 2

Source: Twitter

Another netizen tried to incite a little bit more tension by generalising but was quickly shut down by another user who said, “Blame the individual and not anyone else.”

UM Graduate Protested With A Placard During Convo Asking For The Vice-Chancellor To Step Down - WORLD OF BUZZ 3

Source: Twitter

One sharp-eyed netizen realised that this graduate was the same person that was assaulted during Najib’s tour of UM.

UM Graduate Protested With A Placard During Convo Asking For The Vice-Chancellor To Step Down - WORLD OF BUZZ 1

Source: Malay Mail

Other netizens are now calling for the university to take action, and they have even made a petition to retract the man’s degree, which has almost 34k signatures at the time of writing.

UM Graduate Protested With A Placard During Convo Asking For The Vice-Chancellor To Step Down - WORLD OF BUZZ 4

Source: Twitter

The university has released a statement that basically says they do not condone this kind of action and they have made a police report for this case.

What do you think about this? Tell us in the comments!


Also read: M’sian Woman Represents Late Husband at Masters Convo After He Died from Cancer

M'sian Woman Attended Convocation for Her Late Husband, Who Died of Cancer Just 4 Days After Diagnosis - WORLD OF BUZZ 3

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