Hair loss is one of the most traumatic side effects that most chemo patients face, especially female and child patients. To overcome this traumatic experience, wigs are usually the best choice while waiting for their hair to grow back. Unfortunately, amidst all the costs of cancer treatments, an RM820 wig may be out of reach.
Thankfully, there is an NGO, Locks of Hope, which is facilitating the donation of hair from the general public, to be made into wigs for cancer patients.
TV host and producer, Hazeman Huzir, took to his Twitter page to showcase how he had donated his hair to Locks of Hope, after growing it out for 3 years!

He wrote, “I have donated my hair, which I have taken care of for 3 years, to cancer patients. The hair will be made into a wig by the NGO. Then, it will be given to the young kids who lost their hair due to chemotherapy.”
“A wig made from human hair can be washed and blow-dried. So, it’s a little bit more expensive compared to synthetic wigs. So, I donated my hair to cancer patients so that they can feel confident again and feel a bit normal. Especially the girls. It’s okay, hair will grow back. After all, I have promised to my whole body. From head to toe.”
Speaking to WORLD OF BUZZ, Hazeman explained that he had not initially planned to donate his hair when he decided to grow it out.

“I started since MCO. And then I vouch to not cut it until the pandemic was over. And then, I continued a bit more. Since I’m known for my hair on my socials, and the public knows how much I value and care for my hair, I thought let’s chop it off for a purpose,”
“At the end of the day, the message to my audience is, it’s just hair. Charity over vanity. How and what you are willing to sacrifice for others matters during our lifetime,” he said.

Should you want to follow suit and donate your hair so that it can be made into wigs for cancer patients, you can check out Locks of Hope’s website here. Certain hair requirements apply!
What do you think about this? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.
Also read: “It’s my first maybe my last” – 76yo Cancer Patient Makes Leather Bag For Wife Of 48 Years