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M’sian is Jealous of Her Brother-in-Law’s Wife for Being the Favourite in the Family, Netizens are Baffled!


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Source: 123RF & 123RF & X | twtsecretsmy

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Making a good impression on your in-laws is just common courtesy, especially when you’re trying to especially when seeking their blessing for marriage. But how would you handle it if your in-laws play favourites?

In a recent confession story shared by @twtsecretsmy, an anonymous woman (let’s call her Diana) expressed her jealousy upon realising that her in-laws always favoured her brother-in-law’s wife (Suraya) over Diana.

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“We got married first!”

Diana revealed that her husband is currently working with her brother-in-law, who is said to be very wealthy.

She continued to share that she first met Suraya on her wedding day. She mentioned that before her brother-in-law and Suraya got married, their in-laws would often take Suraya out.

Diana also noted that Suraya would always be invited to family events and vacations, even before marrying Diana’s brother-in-law.

“My husband and I got married a year before Suraya and her husband did. When I first met Suraya on my wedding day, she and my brother-in-law were still dating. It was during that time that I realised my in-laws always took her out, invited her to family events, and even included her on family vacations,” she explained.

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Suraya is the favoured daughter-in-law

Diana continued to express her confusion about why Suraya was the favoured daughter-in-law, even among other relatives on her mother-in-law’s side of the family.

As a result, Diana mentioned how she no longer bothers to engage in conversation with Suraya during family gatherings.

“I thought if I got pregnant, my in-laws would pay more attention to me, but nothing has changed. I feel so offended that I’ve stopped visiting my mother-in-law altogether. Even if they invite me on family vacations, I always refuse now.”

Diana concluded her confession with a question for netizens online, asking if she’s overreacting to the situation or if her feelings and judgments are justified.


Netizens started flooding the comment section to share their thoughts on the situation.

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“She’s just a better in-law than you. I mean, who wants someone who’s always bitter, jealous, and can’t stand it if anyone’s doing better than her, like you? People like that are not usually likable. The problem could be coming from you. Even after giving a grandchild, they still don’t care.”


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“Maybe it’s because Suraya comes from money? In-laws would always prefer the rich.”


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“Have you ever thought that maybe the problem lies with you? Suraya might be better at making a positive impression on the in-laws and the rest of the family, often accompanying them to family events. You’ve mentioned that you don’t visit your in-laws, and it seems you feel entitled to many things. Perhaps that’s why your in-laws prefer Suraya.”


What are your thoughts on the situation? Let us know in the comments down below!


Also read: M’sian Mum Doesn’t Allow Her in Laws to Meet Her Child After They Wished She Would Die During Labour


Source: 123RF
Source: 123RF

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