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M’sian Hardware Shop Workers Get Into “Heated Argument” to Surprise Their Boss on Her Birthday


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Many people often try to celebrate loved ones’ birthdays by coming up with all kinds of surprises to catch them off guard.

A team behind an Ipoh hardware store certainly succeeded in this after they had planned to prank their boss on her birthday by making her think they were fighting!

SLL MACHINERY HARDWARE took to their TikTok page to showcase the prank, which left their boss feeling a variety of emotions ranging from anxiety to relief.

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In the caption they wrote, “Happy Birthday to the most amazing Lady Boss!”


The video starts off with one of the staff members using his walkie-talkie and impatiently calling for another staff member who was at the back of the store to come over.

The second staff member soon appeared, pretending to be angry over being called over while attending to customers.

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This then turned into a “heated argument”, with the second staff member having to be “held back” by other employees to “prevent a fight”.


Their boss intervened, not knowing what was going to happen next.

When the lady boss tried to break up the “fight”, all the staff members broke out into the Happy Birthday song, catching her completely off guard!

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Realising that she had been pranked, she jumped onto the second staff member’s back and proceeded to playfully beat him as he laughed hysterically at their successful efforts. The staff also presented their boss with a delicious birthday cake as she wiped away tears of joy.

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“I thought you guys were fighting!” she said.

It is safe to say that this team must really enjoy working with each other!


You can check out their heartwarming prank here


Happy Birthday to the most amazing Lady Boss! @Bebe #foryou #fypage #birthdayprank #surprise #birthday

♬ nhạc nền – Happy Birthday – Happy Birthday 365

What’s the craziest prank you’ve pulled on a colleague on their birthday? Do feel free to share in the comment section.


Also read: “It lasted for 2 minutes” – M’sian Celebrates His Birthday at a Mamak at 3am with Entire Place Singing for Him!

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