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M’sian Forgets to Lock His Car at KL Mall, Comes Back to Find Someone Had Defecated Inside


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Source: Raphael Wong | Facebook & Lovepik

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A Malaysian man found himself in a shitty situation, literally, at the parking lot of a mall in Kuala Lumpur recently after shockingly finding someone had defecated inside his car.

Going viral on Facebook with over 6,200 shares and more than 6,000 reactions, the man, Raphael Wong, detailed how he found 2 fresh pieces of faeces inside his car after he had forgotten to lock the vehicle.

Finding his car clamped after coming back to the vehicle

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In the post, Raphael elaborated that he was meeting a friend at the mall for dinner to give him something.

However, once he parked his car in the parking lot, he forgot to lock the door as he carried the item he gave to his friend.

After finishing dinner, Raphael returned to his car to find it clamped by the mall’s security. Perplexed, he called the mall’s security department number to ask why his car was clamped.

Someone suspicious was near the vehicle

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For illustration purposes

The security personnel revealed that they locked the car because a passerby reported that someone suspicious was near his car, looking like he was planning to steal something inside it or, worse, steal the vehicle itself.

After hearing the explanation from the mall security personnel, Raphael wasn’t angry but praised them instead for being diligent and proactive.

Raphael found 2 fresh pieces of faeces at the back of the car

The security department then unlocked the vehicle, and when Raphael went inside, he smelled something absolutely foul.

Afterward, he turned around to the rear passenger seats to find 2 pieces of faeces.

A frustrated Raphael asserted,

“The parking lot is so big, why do you choose to shit in my car? I always encounter such weird things. If I catch you, I will definitely stuff your faeces back into your ass.”

Raphael then asked the mall security department if he could watch the CCTV footage, to which they answered that he needed a police report to do so.

He then decided against doing so and just went home.

So, what do you guys think of this disturbing incident? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!


Also read: WATCH: Car Receives Free Gifts from Angry Public for Parking Inconsiderately

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Source: Lovepik

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