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M’sian Backbencher Gets Straight As in SPM, Including Tamil Papers, Without Tuition or External Guidance


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Source: Provided to WOB

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The results of the 2023 Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examination were released just yesterday, with many students passing with flying colours. Exams can be a stressful time for students, but with the right approach and preparation, it’s possible to excel and successfully pass all your exams.

Have you ever heard of the phrase “born smart”? Take this student, for example, who received 11 As, including Tamil, despite not going to a Tamil school.

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She’s definitely a hardworking student

Meenu reached out to WORLD OF BUZZ to share the exciting news about her sister passing her SPM exams at SMK Hillcrest without attending any tuition classes except for Biology. Despite this, her sister managed to achieve 5 A+s, 5 As, and 1 A-.

She continued to reveal that her sister, Mahalaxmi, did not have a background in Tamil but still obtained solid As in the Tamil and Tamil Literature papers.

“She attended SMK Hillcrest and SK Taman Sri Gombak for primary school. Despite not having a background in Tamil or attending a Tamil school, she achieved solid As in both Tamil and Tamil Literature.”

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They share a very close bond!

Aside from being a hardworking student, Mahalaxmi is also a dedicated Carnatic singer who has been studying classical music for the past 10 years.

Her love for Carnatic music not only shows her commitment but also shows her diverse talents that go beyond academics.

“I’m very proud and happy for her. We share a very close bond. She’s committed in everything she does” said Meenu.

Meenu admitted that Mahalaxmi isn’t typically known for her hardwork and is more of a backbencher. However, her determination to achieve good results meant that when she did study, she made the most of her time and focused on effective learning sessions.

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Mahalaxmi is living proof that with sheer hard work and determination, you can achieve great things on your own! Congratulations to all Malaysians who passed the SPM exam!


Also read: SPM 2023: 11k Students Get Straight As But 10k Students are No-Shows, M’sians Fear They Aim to Become TikTokers

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Source: 123RF

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