An Indonesian man working atop a chemical tanker recorded 1 of the most majestic yet terrifying sights we’ve seen at sea yet: A waterspout!
Not only that, taking to TikTok, the man, @aristapandora shared how close his ship was to the waterspout, something that we usually see in the movies.
As of the time of writing, the video has been viewed 574,000 times and garnered over 33,200 likes, going viral in Malaysia as well.
Getting up close and personal with a stunning waterspout

At the start of the video, a group of workers can be seen standing on the ship deck while admiring something that was nearby.

The camera then pans to show a waterspout forming close to the chemical tanker.

In case you’re not familiar, a waterspout is a rotating column of air that occurs over a body of water, in this instance the sea, and usually appears as a funnel-shaped cloud in contact with the water.

@aristapandora then zoomed in on the majestic natural phenomenon before cutting to the ecstatic reactions of his crewmates on board the ship.

Afterwards, the ship navigated even closer to the waterspout, giving us viewers the opportunity to view the natural phenomenon even more up close.

However, the exact location of where the video was recorded was not disclosed.

Watch the video here:
Watch on TikTok
Entrance to Skypiea?
In the comments, netizens were awed by what they saw and gave their 2 cents on the natural phenomenon recorded on camera.
Several commenters made references to the popular manga series One Piece, which features a waterspout-like phenomenon in 1 of its popular arcs.
Another commenter said that the waterspout looks like a ‘stairway to heaven’ while another person kept with the heavenly themes by saying that this looked like the ‘big snake’ travelling to heaven.
A Malaysian in the comments also claimed that such a natural phenomenon is commonplace in Sabah, sometimes 2 waterspouts appear at the same time.
So, what do you guys think of the video? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!
Also read: Large Waterspout Tornado Appears In Indonesia, Causes Panic Among Residents