Every few months, the people responsible for new entries to the Oxford English Dictionary sit down with experts to determine what new words should be added.
The words chosen are usually based on their popularity. The more we use them, the more likely they’ll get picked. Recently, over 1,000 new words have been added to the dictionary and some existing words even received new definitions!
So check out some of the recent changes that’s been made to the English dictionary that stood out the most;
1 . Hangry, adj.
Definition: Bad-tempered or irritable as a result of hunger
We all have that friend who turns into the Hulk when he/she is hungry, don’t we?
2. Me time, n.
Definition: time devoted to doing what one wants, typically on one’s own, considered as important in reducing stress or restoring energy
3. Tomoz, adv.
Definition: An alteration of ‘tomorrow’
Seriously, do any of you guys use ‘tomoz’?
4. Snowflake, n.
Newly-added definition: An overly sensitive or easily offended person, or one who believes they are entitled to special treatment on account of their supposedly unique characteristics
This entry is probably thanks to the kids who whine about anything and everything these days…sigh
5. Ransomware, n.
Definition: A type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid
We’re guessing this word made the cut thanks to the frequent cyber attacks courtesy of hackers and viruses recently.

Source: Heimdal Security
6. Swag, n.
Newly-added definition: Bold self-assurance of style or manner
Millennials or Beliebers are definitely no strangers to this word. It is believed that those who possess swag walk and talk with an extremely confident attitude.
7. Mansplainer, n.
Definition: A man who explains (something) to someone, typically a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronising
The next intake for the Oxford English Dictionary will take place in April 2018 as they do reviews like this four times a year.
Plus, we honestly can’t wait to find out which interesting words will make it to the dictionary next!
Also read: “Protect Our National Language and Stop Advancement of English in M’sia,” Says Minister