Last week, Perlis Mufti officially declared GISBH as deviant because none of their teachings reflect the Islamic lifestyle. Those from other states have yet to follow Perlis’ decision.
Pusat Kajian Amalan Sesat (PUKAS), an account on social media that has been active in exposing GISBH’s heresy, recently revealed another activity that the members were allegedly taught to do. In a TikTok post by @pukasmalaysia, PUKAS once again opened the eyes of the public by disclosing the misguided rituals of the GISBH congregation once practised during the COVID-19 era.
The members were exposed to the knowledge of “transferring blessings from the leaders to members through the air.”

Back when COVID-19 rendered everyone unable to leave their homes and work had to be done remotely, or online, GISBH followed suit and had its meetings with the congregation online. It was revealed earlier that the GISBH congregation is indoctrinated to always be obsessed with the leader.
“Every part of the leader’s body is a blessing.”
During these online meetings, the board members of GISBH together with Nasiruddin Ali (the arrested CEO) will act as “transmitters” by raising their hands to the sky. Meanwhile, the other members will also raise their hands to the sky to “receive the blessing” from the top leaders.

A previous member of GISBH recently revealed that she had to drink water mixed with the deceased leader’s beard or other body hairs.
“We hope that the religious agencies will include these practices and beliefs in the meeting to discuss the status of the heresy of Nasiruddin Ali’s teachings.”
What do you think of the “transfer of blessing?”
Also read: PDRM: A GISBH Member Married 4 Wives & Has 34 Children But Only Knows 2 of Them