Recently, Muar MP and MUDA President, Syed Saddiq, announced that he is looking for an intern.
And considering how little interns tend to get paid in Malaysia, the allowance that Syed Saddiq is offering seems like a good step towards improving how we compensate interns. Though, not everyone agrees.
The Malaysian Chinese News Facebook page took to their profile to condemn Syed Saddiq for offering interns RM900 to RM1,200 in allowances when he advocates for a minimum wage of RM1,500.

They wrote, “Before this make so much noise about minimum wage RM1,500, now he himself offering interns between RM900 to RM1,200 only.”
People have since taken to the comment section to point out that minimum wage for employment and allowance for internship are not the same thing.

Others have pointed out that compared to many companies in Malaysia, Syed Saddiq is actually offering high allowances especially for interns as young as 16-years-old.

The page has since responded to the comments by sharing that they still believe interns deserve much better than what Syed Saddiq is offering.

So,what do you think?
Do you agree with the page, that Syed Saddiq is being unfair towards interns by not offering them allowances equivalent to the minimum wage he advocates for Malaysian employees? Or does the compensation seem decent?
Share your thoughts in the comment section.
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