As a kid, we were often told to NOT touch anything at the shop, especially breakables!
Recently, a child in Hong Kong experienced what was possibly his biggest nightmare at a toy shop in Langham Place. During the visit, the boy accidentally knocked over a Teletubbies sculpture which was worth HKD50,000 (approximately RM27,000).
Fortunately, the boy did not suffer from any injuries but the sculpture was broken into pieces and for that, the parents forked out an amount of HKD33,600 (approximately RM18,000) to compensate for the loss.
They decided to do so after 1 of the workers of the toy shop, KK Plus said that their son kicked the sculpture.
The case, however, did not end there.
A CCTV recording of the incident surfaced online not long after and according to the video, the boy did not kick the sculpture as claimed by KK Plus’s worker. Instead, the boy actually leaned on the sculpture and he can also be seen trying to stop it from falling.
关于香港KK Plus 天线宝宝被碰坏,摔碎的新闻,这两天可说是洗版了社交媒体,很多人当下疯传主要还是说看到价钱吓坏了,父母肯定赔傻了当下第一感觉,我就想,一定又是熊孩子吧!常常看到父母没牵好孩子,让孩子到处乱窜,孩子犯错了还不承认,我觉得这些父母真的很不负责任,在商场看到这种只顾滑手机,不顾好孩子的父母多的是。不过很多时候,单凭照片我也没说什么,毕竟看图说故事的人很多。事情发酵了两天后才有了更具体的报道。让我来给你理清楚吧!“碰”的一声,天线宝宝摔碎后工作人员第一时间出来指责说是“小孩踢了它一脚”其实家长第一时间就做出了赔偿,售价5万2千港币,折扣后赔了3万3千港币不过表示不满意玩具公司的处理方式,贵重的货品没固定也没围栏,难免会有一些碰撞导致意外发生。KK Plus澄清声称是事主主动提出但后来被出征急删文但后来看到了监控画面小孩是为了让开一个大人轻轻一靠就倒一米八的玩具易碎、没重量根本不适合放在容易磕碰的角落这不是只限大人的展馆这是大人小孩都能自由进出的玩具店这样陈列真的合适吗?父母也才发现小孩被错怪看回其他网友的留言公仔去年是有围栏的而且类似碰瓷事件还发生了四次如果员工当时先关心小朋友有无受伤而不是马上指责小朋友整件事看来就不会那么吊诡小孩无心一靠被说成故意踢倒有心无意很大差别哦换做是这天线宝宝压倒小孩小孩受伤了,他们又会是这般处理方式吗?客服失策也、计算失策也这件事可说是在各方面都很上了很好的一课警醒自己也警醒大家看事情不要太主观也值得大家好好思考的是:1. 遇到这种情况父母当下应该怎样反应?你会先碎嘴唸一轮还是先关心孩子有无受伤?2. 换做另一个场合,父母如何看好孩子?如果撞到的是服务员的热茶怎么办?3. 当下父母被要求赔偿就该马上赔吗?还是先报警或看监控?4. 店员当下因该先责怪、先清理还是先关心小朋友? 5. 店家的责任范围有多大?店里所有的摆设安全吗?事后公关应该怎么处理?
Posted by Joycelyn慧敏 on Monday, May 23, 2022
After the surveillance video went viral, the boy’s father blamed the worker of KK Plus for misguiding him and his wife into believing sculpture broke as his son deliberately kicked it.
He then requested KK Plus to return the compensation that was paid, according to The Standard. While the damage of the sculpture is still caused by his son, he stated that KK Plus should’ve bordered the fragile figure.
Just this morning, in a Facebook post that has since been deleted, KK Plus clarified the issue via a PR statement. KK Plus said that the amount of compensation was a mutual agreement between them and the parents.
They also said that the price of the sculpture is actually more than HKD50,000. It was also revealed that the sculpture has been on display since November 2021 and throughout the time, it had never caused any inconvenience to shoppers.
However, the shop will reconsider the safety measurements again following the incident.
As of 24 May, KK Plus has since apologised to the parents and returned the compensation paid. China Press reported that the incident has greatly affected the 5-year-old boy that he had to take a few days off from school. KK Plus also mentioned that they care a lot about their customers, and that was why they immediately contacted the parents and refunded them.
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