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“Bank’s requirement” – Food Vendor in Malacca Charges Customers Who Pay Via QR Code an Extra 20 sen


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Source: TikTok | kpdnmelaka

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For the sake of an additional 10 and 20 sen, a food vendor in Malacca now has to pay a fine after her stall was raided by the officers from the state’s Ministry of Domestic Trade and Costs of Living (KPDN).

In a TikTok video by @kpdnmelaka, the officers are seen raiding the store of the food vendor who imposed additional charges for customers who pay via QR code.

Here’s how it worked, according to the vendor.

“An additional 10 sen will be charged for bills below RM10, and an additional 20 sen will be charged for bills below RM20.”

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Is that how QR pay works? The 50-year-old vendor said it was based on the bank’s requirement.

When asked, he said the additional surcharges were meant to cover the costs. KPDN told the vendors that any additional charges should be displayed on a notice board, which was not seen at the premise.

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In regards to the so-called bank’s requirement, KPDN has confirmed that to be UNTRUE and they had also contacted the bank for confirmation. KPDN also believed that the activity of imposing additional charges has been done since the beginning of this year, and has nothing to do with the recent price hike in diesel.

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A customer also said that he was baffled that he had to pay an additional 20 sen when the initial price was only RM14.

20 sen is not a big figure but the customer didn’t feel right.

“It’s not about the value of 20 sen but I have never experienced this in other stores.”

An investigation paper will be opened to investigate the matter and compound action has been imposed against the stall owner under the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act (AKHAP) 2011.


Dalam menu harga RM 10.00, sekali kat kaunter, kena bayar RM 10.50 (contoh je ni). Pernah tak peniaga buat macam ni.. Min nak bagi tahu, salah tau ni. Kalau korang pernah alami situasi macam ni, jgn lupa report KPDN, kami ada untuk pengguna. Kredit : Malaysia Gazette

♬ original sound – KPDN Melaka – KPDN Melaka

Have you encountered such a situation where you had to pay extra for paying via specific methods?


Also read: “Only cash” – Senior Citizen Food Vendors in Ramadhan Bazaar Lose Customers Due to Absence of QR Codes

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