US Health Expert Prof. Dr Rick Altice commended the Malaysian government for the steps they have taken in suppressing the spread of Covid-19, stating that the actions taken were swift and timely.
“They (Malaysia) did it. They were quick to initiate the Movement Control Order (MCO) stopping people from entering the country and initiated quarantine.”

“If I arrived two days later, it wouldn’t have been easy for me to enter the country.”
“To me, the steps they have taken is important. The things that they have done is performed well and timely. This should serve as proof that early intervention is effective, unlike many other actions taken elsewhere around the world.”
Sharing his views during a webinar session organized by the United States Embassy in Malaysia, the Yale University Professor also states that Malaysia may not have had a large number of Covid-19 cases if it had not been for the mass gatherings that previously took place.

“Malaysia may not be in this situation if it had not been for the mass gatherings. It may have been limited to only imported cases.”
Comparing the current status quo between Malaysia and America, Dr Altice said: “Looking at the situation in Malaysia, they have done such a good job that they are prepared to ‘celebrate’ their success, while America is currently under a lot of criticism.”
Malaysia has indeed become the focus of the international community, with many believing that we have the winning formula to suppress the spread of Covid-19.
Let’s hope that we continue this positive trajectory and help put Malaysia in a more positive limelight for the world to see.
Also read: JUST IN: PM Placed Under Quarantine After Officer At Meeting Tested Positive For Covid-19