Obviously, growing up in a Malaysian household (with kiasu Malaysian parents more often than not) has given us a lot to remember. In fact, without even realising it, there are so many things we’ve grown up with that has shaped us and given us great (and sometimes not-so-great) memories throughout the years! What’s more, some of these things are so unique that most non-Malaysians probably won’t even get the chance to grow up with them. Here are some of those nostalgic items you’ll definitely remember:
1. The infamous rotan

Source: FMT
Who knew one tiny stick could terrify us so much? In fact, it was so terrifying that we’ve all probably tried to hide it at least once. Don’t lie, we know you did that before.
2. Bottles of 100PLUS because it was the perfect after-sports drink

Source: Pinterest
Every time we went out to play and came home all sweaty and thirsty, a bottle of cold 100PLUS in the fridge would always be our go-to thirst quencher. This isotonic drink even gave us more energy to continue playing! Yay to another round of ‘Ice and Fire’!
3. Those porcelain bowls with the blue floral/animal designs

Source: Pinterest
Not sure why but for some reason, many of our homes came equipped with these sorts of bowls. The blue floral-ish/animal prints were a must-have back in the day.
4. That electric mosquito racket because our homes were infested with mosquitoes

Source: Solidrop
Especially during the rainy season, like now! Nothing was or is more satisfying than hearing the sounds of mosquitoes and other pesky insects getting electrocuted by the racket with every swing. Like music to our ears~
5. A piano because almost every one of us had to learn it at some point in our lives

Source: Healthmedicinenet
The worst part about having a piano was when we had to attend piano classes where we would get scolded by the teacher more than anything because we didn’t practise at all the week before. Admit it, you’d only practise one day (or hour) before class to refresh your finger’s memory! T_T
6. That chair made with colourful strings

Source: Lelong
For something that looked so flimsy, it was actually pretty comfy to sit on. It was extendable so we could rest our legs on it too! Greatest invention ever.
7. Those bottles of foong yao or minyak angin that can be used for literally everything

Source: Insider
From mosquito bites and stomach aches to headaches and migraines, this God-sent foong yao was a lifesaver on many occasions. But remember not to touch your eyes after using it! Or you’ll spend the next 30 minutes crying your eyeballs out. Speaking from experience.
8. Condensed milk which we would secretly eat every now and then

Source: KellySiewCooks
Ah, those were the days. Sneaking into the kitchen and putting our whole finger into the can of condensed milk and then licking it all off. What a great time to be alive! What’s more, the condensed milk could be used for all sorts of stuff! Making dessert, teh or kopi, or even as a topping on our roti! In fact, a lot of us still use this product today!
If you do, we have great news for you! In conjunction with F&N’s 135th Anniversary (yes, they’ve been around since 1883!), F&N is holding a contest and they’re giving out insane prizes worth up to RM1,350,000! Yes, RM1.35 million!
All you have to do is:
- Purchase ANY F&N product(s) (example: 100PLUS, F&N Sweetened Condensed Milk, F&N Seasons Tea, F&N Carbonated Soft Drinks and more)
- Submit your proof of purchase (labels, tab printed 135, tetra barcode, etc.) along with the Consumer Contest Form (which you can get in-store or online)
That’s it! So easy and affordable to join leh!
One grand prize winner will be chosen to receive 1X 1.35kg 916 Gold Emblem (worth RM300,000), while nine other first prize winners will receive a 135g 916 Gold Coin (worth RM30,000) each. Consolation prizes include 10,000 F&N Heritage Replica Toy Vehicles. Wow!
How great is this contest? You can stand a chance to win gold just by purchasing your favourite F&N products you know! It’s definitely a win-win situation seeing as to how F&N has given us nothing but Pure Enjoyment and Pure Goodness for more than three generations now!
Contest ends 30 November 2018, so hurry up and start shopping!
Find out more about F&N products as well as the contest here!