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7 Florists in Klang Valley That Have Same-Day Delivery For Bouquets, As Low As RM39 [2023 edition]


Source:Your Day Floral Design & Hua Bar Flower & FlowerSugarMY & Dear J Flower

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From elegant roses, to the rustic charm of dried flowers, or the allure of imported blooms, our handpicked list of florists has got you covered. ??

We’ve got options for every budget, and the best part? All these florists offer same-day deliveries!

So go ahead and check out our options for any of your last-minute orders to pamper your special someone without breaking the bank. ??



1.Floria Space

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Source: Floria Space

First up we have Floria Space! This florist operates online and have plenty of options for bouquets for various occasions. Their cheapest bouquet is priced at RM45 but you can always ping them to ask if they do customized orders for cheaper.

If you’re looking to gift someone who loves sunflowers or blooms for their graduation, we suggest you get them from Floria Space.?

Price Range: $$

Operating Hours: Open daily, Monday to Sunday 9am – 6pm.

For more information: Website | Facebook | Instagram


2. J Flowie

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Source: J Flowie

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Source: J Flowie

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Source: J Flowie

We couldn’t resist not putting J Flowie on our list. With their elegant, dainty bouquets and an affordable price range, J Flowie is the perfect option for anyone looking for stunning blooms on a budget.

One of their cheapest bouquets is called the Ice Cream Cone and sells for RM40 under their same-day delivery category on the website.

Price Range: $$

Location: 183-1, Jalan Dataran Cheras 9, Cheras Traders Square 43200 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur

Operating Hours: : Tuesday to Saturday, 10:30am – 6pm. Sunday, 10:30am – 5pm. Closed every Monday. 

For more information: Website | Facebook | Instagram


3. Flower Sugar MY

We like Flower Sugar MY for their well designed bouquet wrappings. Their cheapest bouquet (RM39) is called the Athena and has a sunflower in it. They also have gorgeous roses, tulips and even unique gift sets with pretty blossoms for you to choose from.

Price Range: $$

Operating Hours: Open daily, 10am – 7pm.

For more information: Website | Facebook | Instagram


4. Your Day Flora 

Now if you really want to impress someone, we highly suggest getting a stunning bouquet from Your Day Flora. Their flower designs are truly exquisite, intricate yet simple, making them fitting for someone with a chic and elegant style.

They have a very wide range of designs for most budgets. Be prepared to spend at least RM100 here though but we promise it’ll be worth it!

Price Range: $$$

Location: B-02-23, Aurora Place, 1, Persiaran Jalil 1, Bandar Bukit Jalil, 57000 KL

Operating Hours: Open daily. Monday to Saturday, 10am – 6pm. Sunday, 10am – 2pm.

For more information: Website | Facebook | Instagram


5. Miss Moonig

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Source: Miss Moonig
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Source: Miss Moonig
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Source: Miss Moonig

Onto another very bougie florist here in KL, Miss Moonig is a powerhouse when it comes to having the best bouquets for any occasion. From corporate events, decorations to quick deliveries, you best believe Miss Moonig strives for good customer service and an attention to detail to keep their popular and booming establishment going.

These special bouquets are also more on the pricier side but we promise the quality will be up to par! 

Price Range: $$$

Location: E-5-3, Pusat Perdagangan Bandar Bukit Jalil, Persiaran Jalil 1 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Operating Hours: Open daily, closed on Public Holidays. Monday to Sunday, 10am – 6pm.

For more information: Website | Facebook | Instagram


6. Dear J Flower 

Dear J Flower is another florist we think that’s making a name for themselves with having one of the more unique flower arrangements and types here in KL. They’re got amazing bouquets for same-day delivery and the best part is that their options also comes with vases to keep the flowers fresh and easy. 

Price Range: $$$

Location: Open by Appointment only. 51, Medan Athinahapan 1, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 Kuala Lumpur

Operating Hours: Open daily.

For more information: Website | Facebook | Instagram


7. Hua Bar 

We love Hua Bar because they hit the sweet spot with pricing their products, from pretty bouquets, bridal flowers, to thoughtful gifts, all inclusive of deliveries as well for your convenience. One of their cheaper bouquets are priced at RM48- RM98 and is sure to put a smile on anyone’s face. Surprise a loved one today!

Price Range: $$$

Location: 53, Jalan 1/12, Seksyen 1, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Operating Hours: Closed on Sundays. Monday to Saturday, 10am – 7pm.

For more information: Website | Facebook | Instagram


And there you have it, folks! ???

Now, it’s your turn to brighten someone’s day with a thoughtful bouquet. ?? Don’t wait – click the links above to explore your options and place your order. ??So go ahead, share the love and bring a smile to someone’s face today. ???



Also Read: 10 FREE Date Ideas in KL to Enjoy With Your Partner!


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