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29yo Businesswoman in Penang Gets Charged & Fined RM2K by Court for Owning 102 Sex Toys


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Source: Utusan & Astro Awani

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In case you’re not aware, yes, owning a sex toy in Malaysia is ILLEGAL. We’ll get to the laws around it in a bit. 

A businesswoman in Penang was recently charged by the Balik Pulau Magistrate Court for possessing not 1, not 2, but a total of 102 sex toys, to which she pleaded guilty for after the charges were read out by an interpreter in front of Magistrate Chia Huey Ting.

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The 29-year-old businesswoman, Sarah was caught for the offense at a shopping mall on February 6, according to a report.

The case was handled by the Prosecuting Officer of the Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN), Mahadzir Saad, while the accused was represented by the lawyer of the National Legal Aid Foundation (YBGK), Teh Yi Kai.

Sarah was released on bail but before that, she requested the court to lower the amount of bail. With a monthly salary of RM1,800, Sarah told the court that she has to financially care for her parents, and 2 of her younger siblings who are still in college.

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The court then instructed Sarah to pay a fine of RM2,000 and she would be facing a jail time of 2 months if the fine was not paid.

Sarah, however, has paid the fine imposed upon her.

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Now, back to the laws about having a sex toy in your possession, according to Section 292(a) & (b) & (c) of the Malaysian Penal Code Act 574, regardless of your religion, it is an offense to own a sex toy.

It is also illegal to sell, distribute, and purchase any obscene objects, which include sex toys.

If found guilty, you can face a jail time of up to 3 years or a fine, or both.

In case you have 1 in your possession, you might want to discard it right away.


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Source: Astro Awani
Source: Harian Metro
Source: Utusan

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