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15yo Teenager’s Arm & Hand Paralyzed After Playing Video Games For 22 HOURS Daily


Pjimage 2020 07 13T135413.241
Source: Nanning Television

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What have we been doing this lockdown? I mean, if you were productive or tried to be, you’d say “working out” or “cooking” or even “assignments” but let’s be honest, were you?

Most of us have just been binge-watching Netflix or gaming the whole day throughout the Movement Control Order. Well, this teenager is a reminder that whatever you do, you should do in moderation.

15-year-old Xiaobin from Nanning, China was rushed to the hospital after suddenly fainting in his house. He soon found out that he was unable to move his left arm and hand!


The teenager was rushed to a hospital in guangxi after he suddenly collapsed.

Why did this seemingly healthy boy collapse and faced sudden paralysis?

Ever since China was in a lockdown due to the Covid-19, Xiaobin has been cooped up in his room, playing video games for 22 HOURS A DAY for a month!

Nanning Television reported that the boy has been staying home since schools across China were closed due to the outbreak. His parents were also unaware of his activities behind locked doors.


When his parents asked, he simply said he was taking classes online. “He shut the windows and locked the door. We had no idea what he was doing in there,” his parents told reporters.

“I saw his online conversation with friends. He said he wasn’t well-rested and was sleeping for at most two hours a day.”

Xiaobin is currently undergoing treatment in the hospital but it remains unclear if he will ever fully recover. Dr Li, a brain specialist at the hospital, diagnosed him with a cerebral stroke. She added that his condition was due to playing video games excessively and not getting enough sleep.

The stroke came from a lack of nutrition and rest, thus, leading to a reduced amount of blood and oxygen reaching his brain.


Of course, we’re not asking you to completely cut yourself off from playing video games but find moderation in it. Besides long-term physical effects on your body, it can also affect you psychologically.

According to Unity Point, video game addiction can lead to irritability, anxiety or depression thus affecting one’s performance in school or work.

Young Gamer With Head In Hands1

Long-term addiction could lead to obesity, weakness or numbness in the hands and even blood clots.

What do you think of what happened to Xiobin? Should parents be more attentive to their child’s online activity? Let us know in the comments section!


Also read: 5yo’s Eye Power Is Almost 1,000 DEGREES After Playing Video Games Daily For 2 Years!

5Yo's Eye Power Is Almost 1,000 Degrees After Playing Video Games Daily For 2 Years! - World Of Buzz 1

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