Sugary food is probably a guilty pleasure for many of us. It’s not wrong to take sweet food once in a while but if taken excessively, you know what awaits – diabetes and in the worst-case scenario, leg amputation.
In his viral TikTok post @rexfitness_, a Malaysian personal trainer recently shared the amount of sugar that you can find in a glass of frothy, hot Teh Tarik. For the beverage that Rex ordered at a Mamak restaurant recently, which was approximately 250ml, Rex calculated an estimation of 39 grams of sugar in the beverage.

Rex was sharing some insights about the top 3 sugary drinks that we usually order at a Mamak restaurant.
The man even brought his measuring scale just to show the followers how much 39 grams of sugar is. (Spoiler alert, it is A LOT for a beverage).

“I didn’t know they put sugar in Teh Tarik”
Some social media users, on the other hand, were baffled to find out that Rex mentioned sugar in Teh Tarik, without knowing that condensed milk itself contains a higher content in sugar.
Some even corrected Rex and told him that there was no sugar in Teh Tarik, but only condensed milk.
“Teh Tarik is made with condensed milk bro, not sugar.”
“Condensed milk has no sugar, smart-ass,” said a user.
“This doesn’t make any sense. I’ve never seen anyone made Teh Tarik with sugar, certainly not that much.”
“Condensed milk, not sugar.”
Earlier, Public Health Malaysia also warned people about consuming too much of Teh Tarik, saying that condensed milk commonly used in Teh Tarik contains more than 40% sugar and palm oil, which is not good for health.
“Drinking a cup of teh tarik is equivalent to consuming multiple teaspoons of sugar. Frequent drinking will not only lead to obesity and tooth decay, but also increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease.”
Take things moderately, not excessively. With the government’s Jom Kosong campaign in effect, this is a good time for us to start taking less sugar.
Also read: M’sian Shares How She Lost Her Left Leg at 27yo After Eating Junk Food a Lot in Secondary School