Women all over the world are all too familiar with the sheer paranoia associated with walking out alone at night. Companies have come up with thousands of inventions to help protect women from creeps, but this latest one certainly takes the cake!
Malaysians are undoubtedly familiar with the online store, Taobao, where you can buy literally anything for super cheap prices. Well, now the website added a brand new item that’s certainly caught everyone’s attention.
They have recently started selling mini flamethrowers that they are calling “anti-pervert” devices. Have a look for yourself!

Source: Taobao
Hmm…where have we seen those flamethrowers before, ah?
If you think these flamethrowers may be a little inconvenient to carry around, no worries! It’s small enough to fit into handbags!
According to Shanghaiist, these mini flamethrowers have been popping up on loads of Chinese e-commerce websites recently, which brings the legality of these devices into question.

Source: Shanghaiist
Priced between RM21.31 to RM128.50, these “anti-pervert” devices can apparently “scald or even disfigure an attacker,” according to one vendor, while another vendor highlights that it isn’t a weapon, calling it a “non-lethal tool” instead.
Chinese police have since asked for a recall of these flamethrowers as they are technically illegal to ship.
Well, it looks like we’ll just stick to pepper spray for now, then!
Also read: Lady Molested by Pervert in Petrol Station’s Toilet, Almost Got Raped