Following the disappearance and death of a little autistic boy, Zayn Rayyan, in December 2023, the lives of his family members have never been the same. Having...
The death of an autistic boy last December, Zayn Rayyan shocked the nation, and today, the boy’s parents were charged in the Sessions Court for negligence...
The lawyer for the parents of 6-year-old Zayn Rayyan, found dead in Damansara Damai last year, has announced he will no longer represent them after their...
Last December, the nation was shocked when a child with autism was reported missing. Subsequently, Zayn Rayyan’s body was discovered 200 metres away from home. In...
It’s been about 2 months now since the discovery of the missing little 6-year-old boy with autism, Zayn Rayyan’s dead body by a stream merely meters...
The murder of a 6-year-old child with autism, Zayn Rayyan, was a case that rocked the nation. In the latest update, the police have said that...
When a tragedy happens at a property, especially one that involves death, the property immediately becomes less desirable to potential buyers and tenants. Yet, there are some...
Yesterday (6 November), it was reported that a 6-year-old boy, who has autism and is non-verbal, had gone missing for more than a day near his...