The 2024 Cannes Film Festival celebrates new films of all genres, including documentaries, from around the world. The festival also features premieres, awards ceremonies, and attracts...
Ladies and gentlemen, musical superstar Dua Lipa is coming to Malaysia this year! Today (May 29), 3-time GRAMMY and 7-time BRIT Award-winning global pop powerhouse Dua...
Now, we all know that there’s some controversy surrounding the upcoming live action version of The Little Mermaid, where African American actress Halle Bailey, was selected...
We’re sure you’re aware of Mah Sing’s super popular (not to mention FREE) Arts & Lights exhibition that everyone and their grandmother have been Instagramming for the...
For a lot of us, when it comes to bucket lists, it involves a lot of travelling and seeing new places. I mean, who doesn’t love...