The “Beautiful Malaysia” event, supported by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC), is a collaborative initiative by Grandmama’s and FM Group that was recently...
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even supper, roti canai is a Malaysian favourite that can be enjoyed anytime. And it seems that people from around the world...
Hello foodies! We’ve got a bizarre article for you this time around to make you go “HUH?” and “Hmmm” as you enlighten yourself on some of...
Since MCO, most Malaysians have been working from home. Confined between the walls of their homes, many tend to feel lost and demotivated. These same people...
So, we’ve had the nasi lemak burger, the char kuay teow burger, and now, someone finally decided to take things to yet another level — with...
Well, it looks like our friendly neighbourhood mamak restaurants have indeed been trying their best to make their food as reasonably priced as possible! In a report by...