Despite only introducing a 5G network in December 2021, Malaysia has performed admirably in the implementation of the cutting-edge mobile network. As of December 2023, the...
Despite essentially playing catch up with neighbouring countries such as Thailand and Singapore in the implementation of the 5G mobile network, Malaysia reached a significant milestone...
Despite playing catch up with neighbouring countries such as Thailand in the implementation of the 5G mobile network, Malaysia has performed admirably. As of December 2023,...
The Communications Ministry made several important announcements during a press conference yesterday, some of which revolve around the 5G network in Malaysia. In the press conference,...
A slow mobile internet connection can be a thorn in every Malaysian’s side. Whether you’re watching a funny TikTok video or just trying to Google information,...
Malaysians are undoubtedly excited for the impending 5G evolution that’s soon arriving on Malaysia’s digital shores! High-speed Internet, new jobs, near-zero latency, and super fast Internet...