Crime does not pay, and you don’t need us to tell you that, because the reach of the law will always find a way to catch up with those who do bad. And if you don’t believe in that dose of instant karma, then this story from China Press will give you all the reason to take it seriously.

Source: China Press
The snatch theft, which happened in the Selayang area, took place when a woman who was walking along a street found herself becoming the target of a thief who sped past her on his motorbike. Grabbing hold of her tote bag, he dragged it out from her arm and sped off with it.

Source: China Press
But unfortunately, as luck would have it, when the thief tried to escape, he suddenly crashed his motorbike into an oncoming car, before winding up in a ditch. It was understood that the victim of the snatch theft was robbed of RM400, but thankfully wasn’t injured in the incident.

Source: China Press
The suspect, who is a 29-year-old man, is said to have suffered extensive injuries to his left leg and had to be sent to hospital for treatment. Doctors say that they are uncertain if they will be able to save the man’s leg or not at this point in time, and he has been put under close observation. Preliminary investigations into the thief’s background revealed that he has two previous criminal cases against him, as well as drug charges.
This case will be investigated under Section 392 of the Penal Code, which carries a sentence of 14 years, a fine, whipping, or all three, if convicted.
If that doesn’t show you that karma is real, then we don’t know what will! We hope the thief learns his lesson and knows better than to try pulling another stunt like this again!
Also read: Watch: Man Gets Instant Karma After Laughing At His Friend Who Ran Into Glass Wall & Fell