Friends play a big part in our lives, but some friends are always there for us while others are just really toxic and make our lives a misery.
This woman submitted an anonymous post to a uni confession page about her story. As of the time of writing, the confession has since garnered over 400 comments.
The woman started with a disclaimer by apologising for the long post and that she was no longer as forgiving and understanding as before. Okay, this seems like the opening of a drama.
She began by saying that birthdays are important regardless of whether it is the ‘Sweet 16’ or being 21 and legal. She knows of people who are willing to blow a lot of money to get that ‘fairytale birthday party’ and she respects that, as long as the birthday person is happy.

Source: Etsy
One of her close friends back in her hometown hosted her 21st birthday party. Thus, being the good friend she is, the confessor rushes to buy the next bus ticket back in order to fulfil her friend’s fantasy of a fairy tale party. Instead of being grateful, her friend criticised her for being late and only staying around for 2 hours before rushing back to take an exam.
Mind you, this happened really close to the confessor’s mid-term exams and she has overspent by buying a branded gift for her friend. As a result, the confessor had to survive on cup noodles for the entire month. So we can only imagine how hurt the confessor was when she heard her friend say that.

Source: Reader’s Digest
Fast forward to the confessor’s 21st birthday, which was also around finals period. She thought that at least that particular friend of hers would have given her a birthday wish, but she did not. Her reason? “I saw many people wished you, so if I wished you at that time then it would not be special.” Uhm what even???
Even when the confessor had returned to her hometown during the semester break, that friend of hers did not initiate any meet-up until the tail end of the semester break. At that time, it had been over a month past the confessor’s birthday, yet this friend of hers wanted to celebrate it anyway.
This is where it gets a little toxic. Her friend insisted on a celebration because “as long as (I) have not celebrated with you yet, then your birthday is not over.”
In the end, her super belated birthday celebration still happened. This made the confessor feel belittled and unimportant because apparently, other people have a claim on her birthday and can dictate when and where to celebrate it without her consent. I mean, if someone is THAT important to you, you would make time for that person instead of forcing that person to accommodate your time, right?
After this incident, the confessor said that she would no longer bend over backwards to accommodate the whims of others.
In her reflection, she also shared that she has attended far too many meet-ups and bought many expensive gifts for people who do not really care for her while she gifted her parents cheap presents and did not make time for them. Despite that, they have never blamed her for doing so.
Now that she has realised her mistake, she now knows who is the most important to her.
Wow, that was a really long story. It’s good that she knows now who the most important people to her are. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise for her as she realises that this group of friends is not worth it. Have you ever had similar experiences before?
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