Finding a partner can be difficult as there are plenty of things one needs to consider. The compromise and understanding for each other must be there consistently. That being said, relationships are undoubtedly something you’ll have to put a lot of effort in.
Just recently, a Malaysian woman shared on a Facebook page, her difficulties in trying to date. In her post she said,
“I don’t want to generalise all men, but it seems like the men who I’ve met have been problematic. I’m from KL and this guy I met is from Melaka. We met online and after speaking to each other for 4-5 months, we’ve decided to meet up.”
She mentioned that due to his work schedule, it’s difficult for him to travel to KL so she has decided to go over to Melaka instead.
“That day, I was able to free myself from work and decided to go meet him in Melaka. We even had a time and place set but as I was reaching Melaka, he told me that something came up. He told me to just hang around and would meet me later if he has time”, she added.
She expressed that this incident made her feel bad as it seems like he wasn’t serious in meeting her. After hanging around for close to an hour, she decided to head back to KL as she doesn’t know if he was going to show up or not.
“He stopped replying to me and I just told him I’m leaving back to KL. Hours after I reached KL, I received a text from him, and I could tell that the text was just for formality sake. I’m not the kind that’ll force a conversation”, she added.

She then continued in her post mentioning that after this incident, she met another guy who is from Penang. She shared that he was really sincere in the beginning and would always update her on his whereabouts.
“Shortly after, he asked if I would be interested in dating, but I think it’s too fast as we have not even met yet. He then said he would be willing to come to KL so that we could meet up”, she said.
She shared that they’ve agreed on a date to meet but when the day came, he started giving excuses like he didn’t have money for petrol and that he is afraid he’ll be bored.
“He said he isn’t used to going to foreign places and is afraid that it will be boring when he is in KL. He also said that what if I didn’t treat him well after he reaches KL and suggested that maybe I should drive to Penang instead”, she added.
She then ended the post saying that she doesn’t understand why she has been meeting guys like these and wonders if she has done anything wrong that she has to meet guys like these.
Relationships can only work if both parties are willing to make conscious effort. Were you ever in a similar situation? Let us know in the comments below.
Also read: M’sian Says That He Regrets Marrying a Thai Woman as He Has to do Everything Himself