If you’re a driver, you would’ve at one point experienced the frustration of having to move your vehicle so a VVIP and their entourage can pass through traffic. It’s especially annoying when you’re stuck in peak jam hour on the highway.

Source: Twitter
Recently, a netizen took to Twitter to share his experience of witnessing an accident on Salak Highway heading to the Federal Highway as a motorist was trying to make way for a VVIP occupied vehicle and its escorts.
VVIP who uses police escort during rush hour traffic including ministers and prime ministers are idiots.
They should be stripped of this privilege. Another accident because of this. pic.twitter.com/8UYDy1pmWR
— tevanraj (@tevanraj) January 7, 2020
Many netizens responded to the tweet, agreeing with how selfish it was of ministers or anyone who uses their VVIP road privileges to ignore other drivers or road users to the extent that it actually puts lives in danger.
The Twitter user also voiced out that having to make way for these special vehicles are typically the reason why drivers are caught in traffic jams that could last for hours on the highway.

Source: Twitter
The tweet has since gone viral with nearly 9,000 retweets as netizens chimed in with their own similar experiences of finding themselves in accidents because they were forced by these escorts to abruptly stop their cars and make way for the VVIPs to pass on narrow roads. How inconsiderate!

Source: Twitter
One netizen joked, “They’ll have police escorts…but they’ll always be late when attending events!”

Source: Twitter
He makes a valid point. If they’re not rushing for official events, where are they rushing to? What do you guys think of this?
Also read: Watch: M’sian Motorcyclist Shows Off ‘Martial Arts’ Skills After Getting Hit By Car on Kepong Road