It’s no secret that the Malaysian Parliament can turn into a circus at any given moment (some might even equate the chaos to one who find when animals fight in a zoo).
Often times, our politicians tend to discuss matters that don’t actually have value or bring improvements to our country, leading the people to shake their heads in disappointment over the Parliamentary sessions.
Now, the Fakta Bukan Auta Twitter page is comparing the Malaysian Parliament with the Singaporean Parliament, where the latter can be seen discussing the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve their country, while our politicians are still bringing up racial matters.

They wrote, “Did you know that in Singapore, the Members of Parliament are already discussing the issue of AI for the progress of their country. We over here, our opposition is still on the issue of communists and race.”
In the video comparison showcased, Singaporean MP Tan Wu Meng bringing up the importance of the Singaporean Government in preparing their citizens for the challenges of AI advancement as their Parliament extensively discussed Singapore’s future plans for AI during their Budget 2024 debate.

On the other hand for Malaysia, Maran MP Datuk Seri Dr Ismail Abd Muttalib from the opposition party could be seen being told by Deputy Speaker Alice Lau to retract his statement linking Kampung Baru Cina with communists, in regards to the location being suggested as a UNESCO Heritage Site.
“Even the communists are gone. Even Chin Peng has passed away. And we’re wondering why Singapore is far ahead of us?”
You can check out the comparison here:
Tahukah anda di Singapore, Ahli Parlimen mereka dah berbahas isu AI untuk kemajuan negara.
Kita kat sini Pembangkang tak habis lagi isu komunis.
Komunis pun dah takda. Chin Peng pun dah meninggal.
Lepas tu hairan kenapa Singapore maju tinggalkan kita.
— Fakta Bukan Auta (@FaktaBukanAuta) March 6, 2024
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