You know how they say “there are no strangers here, only friends that you haven’t meet yet?” And our friends are people who generally share the same interests as us! But, sometimes, we get too caught up in the rat race to socialise and meet new people.
You could be missing out on finding your Best Friend Forever or your soulmate!
So, to promote the idea of being more open to making friends with strangers, Grab partnered with Tinder to create this super cool campaign called ‘Meet Your Match’.
On March 24th, 2017, this exclusive service was made available to the public for just one day. ‘Meet Your Match’ allowed Malaysians to share a ride with another person from 9AM to 5PM.
However, those super lucky Malaysians weren’t riding with just any ordinary person. They actually got the chance to ride with local CELEBRITIES! Now I’m jealous!
And these celebrities are also famous social media influencers. In fact, they are Tinder’s Top 10 Personalities!
A bunch of very fortunate people got the chance to ride with Melissa Tan, Yvonne Lee, Sarah Lian, Venice Min, Peter Davis, Kit Mah, Jinnyboy, Dennis Yin, Jazel Lim, and Mark O’Dea!
Not only did they share the same car ride, but they all made friends and bonded with each other, all thanks to Grab and Tinder. And some of the lucky people was also chosen to spend an entire day with the influencers, all expenses paid! Awesome!
I want to make friends with you all too!
Making new friends with strangers is definitely an eye-opening experience. When we get to meet someone who has a similar mindset to us, and is enthusiastically living their life to the fullest, it makes us want to improve ourselves.
As Dennis Yin said,
“Meeting people who has passion in the things that they do motivates me to do things that I want to do.”
Besides striving to be better, some of us can also see our own true self reflected in others.
The super gorgeous Sarah Lian added,
“I think getting to know different people in Malaysia will allow me to just really appreciate where I am.”
Watch the fun and exciting time they had here:
Also, keep a look out for their second video which will show the incredibly amazing time the influencers had on their day out with their new found friends!
Do you guys know who you really are? Perhaps it is time to go out and meet new people. Don’t be afraid of being the person to initiate conversation. All it takes is one simple “hi” to get the ball rolling.
Start swiping away today and who knows, the next swipe could match you with your next BFF!
Perhaps you could even get lucky tonight.
After all, there are many Tinder success stories out there and who knows, yours could be the next one!
Or if you prefer the face to face approach, take a Grab ride! Just choose the GrabShare option and ride with someone else.
Not only are you sharing a ride with another person, you might just find yourself sharing common interests too. Who knows, that person might be your partner-in-crime for the rest of your life!
Oh, it’s cheaper too when you share your ride with another person because you get to split the fare. Saving money and making new friends like a boss!