We have about one week left of the movement control order phase three and many Malaysians are wondering if it will be lifted or extended once 28 April comes.
Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said in his daily press conference that the decision will be made about three to four days before 28 April.
The Ministry of Health will advise Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin based on the facts and figures that they have, in addition with an advisory from the World Health Organisation (WHO) which they will customise according to the needs of Malaysia.

“We will advise the Prime Minister based on our modelling, based on the facts and figures that we have and based on the advisory from the WHO and customise the advisory to our local needs,” Dr Noor Hisham said.
“That is how we will put up the framework.”
Malaysia recorded 50 new cases today (22 April) bringing the total number of cases to 5,532. 103 new recoveries have also been recorded and one new death.
Also read: UPDATE: 50 New Covid-19 Cases And 1 Death Today In Malaysia