A young woman in Serdang was confronted by an alleged drunk driver after she honked at him.
In the first part of the viral Instagram video, the woman’s dashcam footage shows her honking at the 4X4 truck driver who merged into her lane without using his signal indicator. The driver was NOT happy about it and tried to stop in the middle of the road multiple times but fortunately, the woman managed to avoid hitting his car.

The man eventually descended from his vehicle and confronted the woman. At that time, she was also with her sister and grandfather, who were in the passenger and back seat respectively.
Her grandfather rolled down the window slightly and gently asked the man, “What is it?”
“Step out if you want to fight!” the man responded.
He then looked at the woman and told her to step out of the car, to which she didn’t.
“I honked at you because you were driving dangerously. This is what a honk is used for,” she told the other driver.

The man apologised but continued to tailgate her
The man then apologised but left with a reminder.
“Okay, uncle apologise but little girl, please respect the elderly next time.”
The woman then told the man he “might as well stay at home and not drive.” The man left but the matter didn’t end there. He continued to tailgate her, forcing the woman to stop by the roadside. The man proceeded to pull up next to her car.
Eventually, he stepped out and knocked on her window to confront her again.
“You were not guilty?! You think about that!” he yelled while knocking on her window and peeking into the car.

The woman called for help and her mother came to the rescue
In a report by China Press, her sibling had no choice but to call their mum for help. Fortunately, it took their mum only 5 minutes to reach the scene in a separate car.
The man’s personality instantly shifted once he saw their mum and this time, he appeared more apologetic, especially when the woman’s mum was in full protective mode. In the second part of the Instagram video, the mum could be heard confronting the man, who didn’t expect the cavalry.
“What’s the matter? Are you bullying her because she’s a girl?!”
“You’re drunk, so you’re at fault, and you have a kid in the backseat!”

The man stuttered and couldn’t speak clearly. The mum continued to point out how he was at fault for being under the influence of alcohol. The man smiled and said he was at fault, and sarcastically apologised to the young woman again by saying, “I’m sorry, and I’m impressed by you,” and left the scene.
The woman stated that she decided to share the matter on her Instagram to spread awareness about the man.
Also read: 26yo Drunk Driver With No Valid Licence Crashes into a Bank, Gets 12 Months Jail Time & RM11k Fine