Bullying, regardless of age, is a behaviour that should never be condoned. Not only does it leave lingering emotional trauma, it may even lead people to commit rash acts or make decisions based off on anger and hatred, resulting in grave consequences. One such unfortunate case happened after a young man committed the ultimate crime out of vengeance on his bully, according to a report by China Press.

Source: China Press
The incident, which occurred in Banyuwangi, Indonesia, happened when 27-year-old Ali Heri Sanjaya, could no longer tolerate the constant flurry of verbal abuse that he was subjected to by his female colleague, 18-year-old Rosida. A generally portly man who was overweight, Rosida would allegedly often bully Ali, calling him ‘fat’ and looking like ‘a sumo wrestler’. Chipping away at his self-esteem, this reached a breaking point on 24th January 2020.

Source: China Press
When Rosida’s family noticed that she didn’t return home that day after work and lodged a missing person’s report to the police, the authorities wound up finding human charred remains that had been burnt up to 75% in a farm located in Kabat district of Banyuwangi.
Due to the extreme manner in which her body was burnt, a forensic doctor had to be called to examine the corpse, only to reveal that the deceased was indeed the missing Rosida.

Source: China Press

Source: China Press
After a manhunt was launched immediately on 28th January 2020, Ali was arrested at a local hotel. It was said that upon being brought to the police station, he looked remorseless and only continued to eat when a meal was offered to him. It is likely that Ali will be charged for homicide, which carries a death sentence in Indonesia.
This comes to show that bullying can occur at any stage in life, and the end results are never pretty. If you are facing bullying issues of any kind, whether it be in school or in the workplace, confide in someone you can trust, or speak to a professional today.