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Young Malaysian Couple’s Homemade Bracelets Are To Die For



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Like any other girl, I was browsing my instagram feed when I came across a picture of singer-songwriter Talitha. What caught my eye wasn’t Talitha herself (don’t get me wrong, she is a pretty girl with an even prettier smile. but dude, priorities!), instead, it was the bracelets she was wearing. I followed her tag which led me to Cadeaur‘s instagram page and I was instantly in love.

Their beautifully crafted bracelets paired with well thought out names trigger a lust for these stunning accessories, males and females alike.

couple cadeaur

17 year old Sheryl and 20 year old boyfriend, Desmond are the owners of Cadeaur. The name was derived from the French word “cadeau” meant ‘gift’.

and yes, 17 and 20 years old! What am I doing with my life?

The couple had an idea to start a business together to earn a little extra money at the beginning of the year. However, they didn’t know what to sell so the idea hung above their heads for awhile. When Valentine’s Day came around, Sheryl DIY a beaded bracelet for Desmond as his vday gift and the rest was history.

Here are a few of their collection:



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Made from stones such as marble, onyx and other names that are near impossible to pronounce, these bracelet exude style, edge and exclusivity all together.

Desmond shares with us that starting their business was both exciting and worrisome but they eventually took that leap of faith and opened an Instagram account uploading photos of their bracelet designs and prices. They feel very lucky and fortunate to have people supporting them since the beginning.


The bracelets were very well received and soon, requests from all over the world came in.

“Cadeaur grew bigger everyday and slowly started getting questions whether we shipped overseas. We decided that we should expand our business internationally! That’s when we had an extra help, Zhi Yin to take care of the international website and Instagram account.” says Sheryl.


Being this young and having a business together is not always sunshine and rainbows for the couple.

Sheryl tell us, “As our business got more hectic, our relationship did get affected slightly. We didn’t have much time to laze around or hangout anymore, instead, we sat across from each other making bracelets for hours and hours everyday.

It’s difficult to juggle our relationship, studies and Cadeaur altogether. We do have our ups and downs but it’s times like these that make us appreciate the opportunity we’ve been given.”


Check out their store here and instagram account here.

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