Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!
Yahoo News reported that earlier this week (21st March), a 21 year-old man from Myanmar was arrested by the police after his mother reported him for making inflammatory comments about her on Facebook.
Wana Oo, the man in question, posted abusive comments, calling his mother names like “prostitute” on her pictures. He did this because he did not approve of his mother, Tin Tin Hla, dating a new man.
Tin Tin had enough of her son berating her on social media and decided to take legal action against him by filing a lawsuit.

Source: EDM Tunes
After he got arrested, Wana confessed to what he did and his case is now being processed by the law.
Wana Oo was arrested under a very broad law that condemns defamation on any form of telecommunication network. If found guilty under this law, the accused can get sentenced up to 3 years in prison.
This law was passed in 2013 but was enforced in 2016 when Aung San Suu Kyi’s government came into power. Ever since then, many people were arrested under this strict law.

Source: Business Insider
Some people have condemned this law, including members of the media. Many of them feel that this law oppresses freedom of speech and is a form of censorship. Hmm sounds kinda familiar doesn’t it?
Also read: Racist Comments of Malaysians on Grab’s Facebook Page Sparks Public Outrage