We can never expect the kind of dangers that are lurking out there, especially when you’re a solo woman outdoors.
A Malaysian woman recently took to her Facebook account to share the dashcam footage of her hitting a motorcyclist after she was allegedly being followed by the rider. In the viral footage, a motorcycle without a registration number was shown stopping in front of her car, facing her at the traffic light.

Coincidentally, the light turned green, and the woman rammed through the motorcycle and ran for her life.

No, it was not a hit-and-run accident. The woman clarified in the comment section that she noticed 2 riders had been stalking and following her before the collision took place.
She also explained that the rider shown in the dashcam footage was the 2nd rider, who chased her after she knocked over the 1st rider.
“I was all alone, and I just left my office. I called the police after the incident, and I knocked them over in self-defense,” she explained.

The woman also said that the police had advised her NOT to stop should she experience the same thing again but advised her against having a direct collision.
The incident happened at Puncak Jalil in Selangor, but the time and date were not specified. The video has since been removed by the woman, but it is still circulating on social media, which you can watch below, courtesy of Guang Ming Daily.
If you suspect yourself in danger, try to drive to the nearest police station immediately and don’t take action on your own. We never know if the perpetrators are carrying weapons at the time.