The weather these days make it seem like we’re stuck in a perpetual sauna.
We’ve been sweating so much these days because of the hot weather and the heat doesn’t even dissipate when we douse ourselves in ‘cold’ water. To add more salt to the wound, a report by Awani has stated that this weather will continue on till mid-September!

The report states that this weather is normal at this time of the year as it is the Southwest Monsoon season. Malaysian Meteorological Department (Met Malaysia) director-general Jailan Simon said that the Southwest Monsoon causes warmer weather and lesser distribution of rainfall.
However, the MET department says that El-Nino and La Nina is unlikely to happen this year.
“In this last two months (June and July) the Southwest Monsoon was a little weak at that time so we had extraordinary humidity levels.”
“However, beginning this week, the Southwest Monsoon is back on track and it has started reducing the rainfall and making the weather warmer.”

He has also said that this weather will continue on till mid-September till the monsoon transition. The director-general added,
“There will be rain but it will be lesser than in June or July. Certain places such as the inlands of Pahang and Kelantan will experience temperatures up till 36°C.”
Well, someone better wake us up when September ends!
Also read: Taiwanese Show Condemns Malaysia For Failing To Contain Covid-19 Despite Having Hot Weather