The government is urging companies to hire various underprivileged communities with an incentive.
During the presentation of the Belanjawan 2023 initiative, Prime Minister and Finance Minister Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced that incentives will be given to companies who employ differently-abled individuals, ex-convicts, homeless individuals and the hardly employed.

This means that those who employ individuals from the above mentioned communities will receive an incentive of RM750 a month of 6 month through PERKESO.
RM400 a month for 6 months will also be given to employers who hire 17,000 graduates, especially those who received Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).
Do stay tuned for more uupdates.
Also read: Budget 2023: RM40 Billion Worth Of Loans & Financing For Micro, Small & Medium Businesses